How to Make a Cologne to Counteract Stress

How to Make a Cologne to Counteract Stress

Aromatherapists have been using essential oils to combat stress, tension and anxiety for years, and now you can use their discoveries to create your own anti-stress treatment. There are a seemingly endless number of colognes available on the market, but none quite like this. You can create this unique cologne, specially designed to counteract stress right in your own kitchen.

Things You'll Need:

Plastic sheet

Distilled water


Measuring cup with pour spout

Bergamot essential oil

Frankincense essential oil

Cedar wood essential oil


Dark glass bottle with tight fitting lid


Cover your work surface with a plastic sheet or other protective material. Essential oils and alcohol can damage protective surfaces, so be sure to protect your work area well and be careful to prevent spills.


Blend 2 cups of distilled water and 3 tbsp. of vodka in a measuring cup with a pour spout.


Add eight drops of bergamot essential oil, eight drops of frankincense essential oil and eight drops of cedar wood essential oil. This special combination of essential oil fragrances will help to counteract fatigue caused by stress and tension.


Place four drops of glycerin to your cologne. Glycerin is a fixative that will help your cologne to retain its aroma.


Stir your anti-stress cologne and test. You may adjust the scents, adding one drop at a time, until you feel you have reach the best combination to counteract stress.


Pour the cologne carefully into a dark glass bottle with a tight fitting lid. Shake the bottle and store the cologne in a cool dry location. Allow your anti-stress cologne to settle for one full week before using.

Tips & Warnings

Fragrance oils are often less expensive than essential oils and can be used instead. Be sure to test fragrance oils before buying, as quality may vary.